A new Avalere Health study released today shows that SCAN's integrated care model, which provides coordinated care for dual eligibles through the Medicare Advantage program, results in fewer hospital stays or readmissions than a group of similar beneficiaries receiving care under traditional fee-for-service.
Avalere Health compared 30-day all-cause hospital readmission rates between California dual eligibles in traditional Medicare and those enrolled in SCAN Health Plan, the fourth largest not-for-profit Medicare Advantage plan. The study found that SCAN's dual eligible members had a hospital readmission rate that was 25 percent lower than those in fee-for-service. It also found that SCAN performed 14 percent better than Medicare fee-for-service on the "prevention quality indicator overall composite," which measures how hospitals keep patients out of hospitals from the get-go.
Based on the results of a matched cohort analysis, SCAN's program could lead to 1,320 fewer hospitalizations and 1,773 fewer readmissions for California fee-for-service dual eligibles. This would result in approximately $50 million in annual cost savings to Medicare fee-for-service in California. This research suggests integrated and coordinated care for dual eligibles may help improve quality while reducing healthcare costs.
Avalere Health compared 30-day all-cause hospital readmission rates between California dual eligibles in traditional Medicare and those enrolled in SCAN Health Plan, the fourth largest not-for-profit Medicare Advantage plan. The study found that SCAN's dual eligible members had a hospital readmission rate that was 25 percent lower than those in fee-for-service. It also found that SCAN performed 14 percent better than Medicare fee-for-service on the "prevention quality indicator overall composite," which measures how hospitals keep patients out of hospitals from the get-go.
Based on the results of a matched cohort analysis, SCAN's program could lead to 1,320 fewer hospitalizations and 1,773 fewer readmissions for California fee-for-service dual eligibles. This would result in approximately $50 million in annual cost savings to Medicare fee-for-service in California. This research suggests integrated and coordinated care for dual eligibles may help improve quality while reducing healthcare costs.
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