Are we doing everything we can to fight infections?

Think of how many times you touch a doorknob or sit on an examination table in a doctor's office - bacteria is everywhere.

Then think of how many times you touch your face or itch your nose. Research shows that people touch their faces an average of 3.6 times per hour and common objects an average of 3.3 times per hour. This rate of touching means that people are likely to spread bacteria and germs at a rate much higher than hand-washing can eliminate.

The CDC recently released a study that investigated C.difficile (C. diff) in doctors' offices. Known for typically getting acquired in a hospital setting due to antibiotic usage, the study found that a substantial number of people that contracted C. diff hadn't been in a hospital, but had recently visited the doctor or dentist.

So how does bacteria spread so quickly? More importantly, how do we stop it? While one might not think a countertop or a sink faucet could be the first line of defense in the fight against bacteria, products infused with copper oxide can be immensely effective in killing bacteria before human touching can encourage its spread. Copper oxide is a natural antimicrobial agent that continuously kills bacteria within two hours of contact, even after recontamination, reducing the overall bioburden in the patient environment. There are now companies, like EOS Surfaces, EOScu, that are infusing cupreous-oxide into materials and surfaces - making it a Preventive|BiocidalTM Surface - in high traffic areas known to harbor bacteria, like countertops, arm rests and bed rails, to kill and reduce bacteria that can cause infection.

Currently, most healthcare facilities rely on sanitation protocols and frequent hand washing. What we have found, proven in recent studies, is that these measures and protocols are crucial, but often not enough. Additional measures are needed. EPA-registered, copper oxide surfaces can kill greater than 99.9% of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria within two hours of exposure, thus providing around the clock protection against the spread of bacteria – a behind-the-scenes warrior.

Any healthcare facility, not just hospitals, can be an entry point for deadly bacteria. Given this, shouldn't they be doing everything they can to manage the risk of spreading these infectious diseases?

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