Executives work hard to build strong teams comprised of smart, talented and creative people. The last thing one should do is micromanage them.
Lynne Thomas Gordon, CEO of AHIMA in Chicago. "I love this quote from Ronald Reagan, 'Surround yourself with great people; delegate authority; get out of the way.'
I think the biggest motivator for staff is to feel the joy of success and pride in their work when accomplishing big, hairy, audacious goals. The biggest de-motivator is to micromanage their efforts.
As a leader, I feel you should paint the picture of the destination and the outcomes expected. Then let your team be creative and decide the journey. Have check points along the way since what you measure you manage, but give them the ability to do what they do best and feel pride in their work.
Working with a team to accomplish big goals and the feeling of success when goals are reached is by far the biggest motivator for all. Don't forget to celebrate and recognize great work before moving on to the next destination."
Do you have an interesting leadership tip to share? Please send all ideas to trosin@beckershealthcare.com for inclusion in our "Leader to leader tip" series.