President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to repeal and replace the ACA once he is in office. And Gallup polling data highlighted by The Wall Street Journal suggests doing so could have the greatest impact on counties that supported Mr. Trump.
Here are five key takeaways from the polling data, as stated by WSJ.
1. Many of the approximately 20 million Americans who gained insurance coverage through the ACA live in counties that favored Mr. Trump, data from Gallup indicate.
2. The Gallup data, analyzed with the county typology from the American Communities Project, show that eight county types have experienced increases in health insurance coverage exceeding the national average, according to WSJ. County types include Native American lands, working class communities, graying America, Hispanic centers, rural middle America, African American south, big cities and evangelical hubs. WSJ reports that six of those county types collectively supported Mr. Trump.
3. Gallup's data indicates 53 percent of Americans disapprove of the ACA and 42 percent support it, suggesting insurance coverage expansion does not necessarily translate into favorable public opinion of the health law.
4. The Gallup data also show people living in some counties that favored Mr. Trump are likely to report times in the last year when they did not have enough money for healthcare or medicine their family needed, reports WSJ.
5. According to WSJ, some conservatives are saying the removal of the ACA will be a complex process and require waiting until 2019, which could ultimately have significant implications for the next presidential election.