On average, health IT professionals earn $93,469 per year, with an average bonus of $7,603, according to the 2016 Health IT Salary Report by HealthITJobs.com, a free job search resource for health IT professionals.
The report includes responses from 802 professionals currently or recently working in health IT. Executives accounted for 2.5 percent of all respondents.
Here are seven key findings:
1. Around 51 percent of respondents said they are satisfied or very satisfied with their salary.
2. However, the other half feels they should be making more. The average gap between what they are making and what they think they should be making is $15,553.
3. Average health IT executive salaries total $171,341 as well as an average bonus of $27,500.
4. Consulting companies employ around 30 percent of respondents. They pay nearly 14 percent more than software companies, the second highest-paying employer.
5. The most common type of employer was hospital and healthcare organizations, who pay $86,321 to health IT professionals on average.
6. Male health IT professionals earn 14 percent more than women in health IT.
7. Despite the fact that 79 percent of respondents reported being very satisfied or satisfied with their current job, 40 percent said they will likely change jobs in the next year.