The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology is surveying a random sample of clinical laboratories and hospital-based laboratories to better understand their capacity to exchange information electronically, according to an AHA News Now report.
The random sample includes 14,000 clinical laboratories and 2,729 hospital-based laboratories. Topics include the volume of results sent electronically, adoption of standards, current systems and barriers and facilitators for exchange.
The ONC will use the findings to monitor progress and develop policies to promote electronic exchange of information between laboratories. The results will be released this summer, according to the report.
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The random sample includes 14,000 clinical laboratories and 2,729 hospital-based laboratories. Topics include the volume of results sent electronically, adoption of standards, current systems and barriers and facilitators for exchange.
The ONC will use the findings to monitor progress and develop policies to promote electronic exchange of information between laboratories. The results will be released this summer, according to the report.
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