CMS has released the results from its final ICD-10 testing week, producing similar results to the previous testing week.
Between July 20 and July 24, approximately 1,200 providers submitted 29,286 test claims, 25,646 of which were accepted, producing an 87 percent acceptance rate. The last test week, which took place in April, had an 88 percent acceptance rate.
Of the rejected claims, 1.8 percent were due to invalid submission of ICD-10 diagnosis or procedure code and 2.6 percent were rejected due to invalid submission of ICD-9 diagnosis or procedure code.
Additionally, CMS indicated some of the rejected claims may have been purposefully entered incorrectly to ensure errors would be caught and lead to a rejected claim, a process called "negative testing."
CMS said the latest test week demonstrates CMS systems are ready to accept ICD-10 claims and highlights three key takeaways: There were no new ICD-10-related issues in the claims processing systems, there were zero claim rejections due to front-end CMS systems and any issues identified in previous test weeks were resolved prior to this final testing week.
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