6 Reasons Why Clinicians Like Vendor-Neutral Archives

Many hospital leaders already support the use of vendor-neutral archives, which allow images and documents to be stored in a standardized format so they are accessible to a variety of systems, as they often lead to cost savings and increased institutional efficiency. Clinicians see advantages in VNA technology in their day-to-day work as well, according to a HIMSSwire report.

The advantages for clinicians include:

Mobile capabilities. VNAs combined with universal viewers allow physicians to view documents or images on any device, including smartphones or iPads.

Facilitated collaboration. VNA technology allows clinicians to more easily share documents or images with colleagues to get a second opinion.

Faster care. With VNAs, a clinician could view a patient's imaging results remotely and make a treatment decision immediately, rather than having to be on-site to view the images.

Improved access. VNAs make it easier for specialists, especially remote specialists, to access a patient's imaging results and other records.

Improved security. VNAs help clinicians feel the information they are viewing and sharing is secure.

EHR Integration. VNAs allow medical images and other documents to be viewed within the electronic health record interface, improving clinician workflow.

More Articles on VNAs:

How to Avoid a Regulatory Nightmare: Establishing an Effective Data and Records Management Program
Vendor Neutral Archiving: Putting Healthcare Back in the Data Driver’s Seat
Enterprising Imaging Strategy: What Are You Really Getting in Return?

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