CMS declared a special enrollment period for some seniors living in areas where severe weather added technical issues to the sign-up process.
Depending on location, seniors will have until Dec. 31 or Jan. 31 to enroll in Medicare coverage. The previous deadline was Dec. 7.
Individuals eligible for the special enrollment period are those who rely on people who live in areas affected by the weather to help them sign up for coverage; those who live in the affected areas; those who had another valid election period during the weather incident; or those who didn't make an election during that period or another valid period.
Here are the eight areas affected by severe weather where seniors may be eligible for sign-up extensions and their new deadlines, according to insurance broker Ensurem:
South Dakota — Jan. 31
Texas — Jan. 31
North Carolina — Jan. 31
South Carolina — Dec. 31
Georgia — Dec. 31
Florida — Dec. 31
Florida Seminole Tribe — Dec. 31
Puerto Rico — Dec. 31