Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is partnering with Kroger Health on Medicare Advantage plans that provide members with in-store benefits at Kroger locations.
The two plans — one HMO dual-eligible special needs plan and one PPO — provide members with a Healthy Groceries Card that gives them $75 a month to use at Kroger, according to an Oct. 21 news release.
The partnership reaches four regions: the Cincinnati area, the Louisville, Ky. area, the Atlanta area and southern Virginia, according to an Anthem spokesperson.
Plans also include a quarterly over-the-counter product allowance and access to Kroger's 2,200 pharmacy locations. It also includes a Healthy Pantry benefit that gives members access to 12 monthly meetings with a Kroger Health dietician and delivers monthly healthy pantry staples to their door.
"Anthem and Kroger Health share the goals of improving access to cost-effective healthcare services, driving health outcomes improvement, and simplifying the healthcare experience," said Neil Steffens, president of Anthem's Medicare central region. "Anthem brings decades of experience working with consumers, clinicians, health systems and other stakeholders to ensure health plans members have access to the care and services they need."
Coverage for individuals begins in 2022.