Seven recent articles posted by Becker's Hospital Review that concern payer-provider relationships:
1. As major health insurance companies are getting into the business of owning primary care practices, Anthem is pursuing a different strategy.
2. Seven hospitals and physician groups agreed if their costs surpass a specific target, they will pay the difference back to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan under a new risk-sharing program.
3. In the commercial sector, most physician and hospital payments are being made through alternative payment methods — but nearly all of those methods are built on fee-for-service functions.
4. Humana will launch two programs to better coordinate kidney disease management for patients in four states.
5. For the first time, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island created a bundled payment arrangement for outpatient joint replacements.
6. Health First, a Rockledge, Fla.-based hospital system and insurer, reached an eleventh-hour agreement with Florida Blue to contract for services.
7. A contract dispute between San Francisco-based Dignity Health and Cigna could result in most Dignity providers being out of network with the health insurer beginning in 2020.