3 tips to reduce employee turnover

A blog post from Select International shares three proven steps that can help reduce organizations' employee turnover.

The direct and indirect costs of turnover for an entry-level retail position average approximately $9,444 per employee, according to the post. That number is significantly higher when an organization experiences high turnover for professional positions. In a time when many hospitals and health systems' budget sheets are crunched, employee retention is all the more critical. Here are three steps to reduce turnover.

1. Paint an accurate picture of what the job entails. More clarity about the position usually results in candidate self-deselection from the application process, but this isn't a bad thing for turnover reduction, according to the blog post. "In fact, self-deselection is one of the most effective ways to remove low-potential candidates from your applicant pools. These individuals know that the position isn't a good fit and remove themselves from consideration before they're hired and they quickly turnover."
2. Measure competencies that are relevant to the position. When properly implemented, this objective assessment can target the specific organization to precisely measure the competencies indicative of success there. "Candidates who have been screened by a job relevant hiring assessment are more likely to be better fits for the position in the long-term," according to the blog post. Further, candidates who score high in the desired competencies are also more likely to have a higher level of job performance.

3. Screen candidates for motivational fit with behavioral-based techniques. Many organizations typically assess a candidate's motivational fit with the organization, but many interviewers are not trained in behavioral-based interview techniques, which can improve the accuracy and objectivity of hiring decisions. "When a candidate not only can do the job, but is motivated to want to do the job, he or she is less likely to turnover," according to the post.

More Articles on Hiring in Healthcare:
6 Unique Challenges of Healthcare Hiring
The State of Health IT Hiring (And 6 Steps to Recruiting the Best Staff)
5 Common Hiring Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


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