Epic prevented 3.2M duplicate images: 3 things to know

By expanding the functionality of its EHR to check imaging orders across external organizations in 2021, Epic prevented 3.2 million duplicate imaging orders, according to a Dec. 12 report from Epic Research. 


Epic Research analyzes data from Cosmos, a collaborative dataset from more than 275 health systems across the U.S. that utilize Epic software for patient care.

Here are three things to know from the report:

  1. Within the EHR, providers can be notified when a patient has recently had a similar imaging order or result from external organizations.
  2. Epic Research analyzed more than 32.4 million imaging notifications between April 2023 and April 2024 to find how often duplicate imaging orders were prevented and potentially prevented related to this notification.

    A prevented duplicate image was defined as an instance when a provider canceled or removed the imaging order directly within the notification. A potentially prevented duplicate image was defined as when a provider navigated out of the order after the notification.

  3. The analysis found 3.2 million duplicate imaging orders were prevented. Accounting for potentially prevented duplicate orders, the number rose to 5.8 million. 

Read the full report here


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