Recognizing this challenge, leaders at Hackensack Meridian Health Ocean University Medical Center in Brick Township, N.J., recently created council day, a designated day when committee meetings central to nursing operations are held.
“We needed to adapt and provide more opportunities to hear their voice while they are working, as opposed to coming in on times when they are off to participate in meetings where their voice really needs to be heard,” Marie Foley-Danecker, DNP, RN, vice president and chief nursing officer at the hospital, said during an upcoming episode of the “Becker’s Healthcare Podcast.”
To make this possible, the hospital brings in an additional float nurse on council day, allowing bedside nurses to step away from patient care assignments. The float pool nurse rotates throughout the day, relieving each participating nurse ahead of their meeting. This approach has led to a surge in participation in councils focused on patient safety, professional practice and medication management, Dr. Danecker said.
“Decisions shouldn’t be happening without nurses included,” she said. “That feedback loop then drives retention, because [nurses] know they’re being heard and changes are happening based on what they’re telling us in the organization. It provides a better work environment and a better care environment.”