The union represents more than 900 nurses at the hospital, according to an NYSNA news release shared with Becker’s. Northwell Health, based in New Hyde Park, N.Y., employs more than 85,000 workers total.
The union and hospital began negotiating a new contract in November, according to NYSNA. Union members voted to authorize a strike in February. In a statement shared with Becker’s, the hospital said that management aims “to reach an agreement that continues to provide our valued nurses with competitive compensation, benefits and a safe, supportive working environment.”
The union contends that management has failed to agree to a fair labor deal that retains enough experienced nurses to provide safe patient care to patients. “Nurses have been urging Northwell to prioritize negotiating a fair and on-time contract, respect their nurses and settle a fair contract with safe staffing, improved wages and benefits that will help recruit and retain nurses,” the union release said.
“South Shore University Hospital is disappointed in NYSNA’s decision to issue a strike notice but as always, our goal is to reach a fair contract,” the hospital said in its statement. “We remain optimistic that an agreement can be reached and will continue to bargain in good faith and look forward to positive and productive ongoing negotiations.”
The nurses’ previous contract expired Feb. 28.