Findings are based on survey responses from 876 hospital human resource leaders, CEOs and wellness leaders. Responses were nationally representative of all hospitals in terms of size, teaching status and census region. Survey respondents indicated their hospital/health system offers the following programs to at least some employees.
1. Flu shot or other immunization — 97 percent
2. Employee assistance program/mental health services — 81 percent
3. Smoking cessation programs — 79 percent
4. Healthy food options — 78 percent
5. Tobacco-free campus — 76 percent
6. Safety program — 75 percent
7. Health risk assessments — 74 percent
8. Weight loss programs — 73 percent
9. Gym membership discounts — 67 percent
10. Disease prevention and management — 58 percent
11. On-site exercise facilities — 57 percent
12. Classes in nutrition or healthy living — 55 percent
13. Stress management — 55 percent
14. Web-based resources — 48 percent
15. Biometric screenings — 47 percent
16. Wellness newsletter — 39 percent
17. Personal health coaching — 37 percent
18. 24-hour nursing helpline — 23 percent
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