Children’s National taps 2 new chiefs

Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., has appointed Donna Anthony senior vice president and chief strategy officer, and Catherine Bollard, MD, senior vice president and chief research officer of its research institute.


Ms. Anthony is a veteran of Children’s National, where she has been instrumental in the integration of HSC Health Care System with the organization, according to a news release. She also previously served as vice president and chief of staff at Children’s National.

Dr. Bollard is also a veteran of the organization, serving as director of the Children’s National Center for Cancer and Immunology Research since 2017, according to a news release. She also is a professor at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and the Dr. Robert J. and Florence T. Bosworth professor of cancer and transplantation biology research.

Children’s National includes a main hospital and dozens of other locations, including both primary and specialty care.


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