CEO Pauline Grant: Leader at Broward Health North and in the Community

Pauline Grant, MBA, has served as CEO of 409-bed Broward Health North Broward Medical Center in Deerfield Beach, Fla., since 2003. She has more than 37 years of healthcare leadership experience.


Under Ms. Grant’s guidance, North Broward Medical Center has received national recognition. The hospital was first in the nation to achieve Joint Commission certification for Alzheimer’s disease and first in Florida to receive Joint Commission certification for stroke rehabilitation.

In addition to her duties at North Broward Medical Center, Ms. Grant has served on the board of directors of John Knox Village, a retirement community in Pompano Beach, Fla. Her service at JKV has influenced her as a CEO. “Professionally, I have benefited by helping to interface John Knox Village residents with Broward health North’s medical services,” she told John Knox Village. “Personally, I have benefited by gaining a better understanding of the services of John Knox Village and also being an ambassador for JKV in the community.”

Ms. Grant has received national recognition for her healthcare leadership prowess. She was named to Becker’s Hospital Review’s 2012 lists of 120 Women Hospital and Health System Leaders to Know and 300 Hospital and Health System Leaders to Know.  She also was an honoree at the 2010 South Florida Business Journal Broward Ultimate CEO Award and has received the Milestone Award for Excellence in Healthcare from the Jamaican USA chamber of commerce.

Ms. Grant earned her MBA from Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Fla.

If you have additional information or updates for this profile, or would like to recommend a leader to be profiled in the future, please contact Lindsey Dunn, editor in chief, Becker’s Hospital Review, at

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