Healthcare practitioners will now be able to use IT security company Imprivata's single sign-on tool, OneSign, on Google's Chrome devices.
Three notes:
1. Imprivata OneSign is an end-to-end authentication and access management solution that allows healthcare practitioners to securely access patient information from various EHRs and clinical applications with single sign-on, reducing the need for multiple passwords.
2. Through a new partnership with Google Cloud, healthcare practitioners using Imprivata can tap a badge to access their Chrome workstation and get instant access to a virtual desktop environment. The automatic sign-on also includes signing on to Google's G Suite platform.
3. Wes Wright, chief technology officer at Imprivata, said of the partnership: "Working with Google Cloud, we're able to give practitioners instant access to their virtual desktop environment, and allow patients to access entertainment and education on Chrome devices without risking exposure of protected health information."