News & Analysis
Feb. 17, 2014
1. Seeking Becker's Hospital Review E-Weekly Feedback. We are seeking feedback on the content of our E-Weeklies and would appreciate if you would email sbecker@beckershealthcare or ldunn@beckershealthcare with your thoughts on the information provided. Very briefly: Do you find it interesting or useful? Do you have suggestions to improve it? If you would like to add thoughts on our websites, please do so. We would greatly appreciate any feedback. You can also provide the feedback by responding to this E-weekly.
2. Study: Well-Child Visits May Cause 780,000 Influenza Cases Each Year.
3. 10 Most-Read Patient Safety Tools Feb. 10-14.
4. Whitepaper: Onboarding Series - Essential Best Practices in Preceptor Training.
5. Most Children's Hospitals Lack Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs.
6. Study: Better Diagnostics Don't Improve Antibiotic Prescription for MRSA.
7. Mentoring is Critical to Organizational Longevity - So Why Is It Such a Struggle? 8. 100 Infection Control Products to Know - Nominations Sought. Is there a particular infection control product you can't live without? Becker's Hospital Review is compiling a list of infection control products to know. If you would like to make a recommendation for this list, please contact Ellie Rizzo at
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Learn More About Our Featured E-Weekly Advertisers: ASCOA and VMG Health.
Contacts | For more information about print and online stories, please contact:
Lindsey Dunn Editor in Chief (312) 929-2771 e-mail Lindsey
For more information about advertising and exhibiting, please contact:
Jessica Cole President and CEO (800) 417-2035 e-mail Jessica |