News & Analysis
Jan. 9, 2014
1. More Dually-Eligible Patients? More Readmissions Penalties.
2. 10 Most Frequent, Fastest Growing Conditions in U.S. Hospitals.
3. "Work Before the Work": 9 Things to Consider for Intervention Planning.
4. CEOs, CFOs, CIOs Sought for Roundtable: To complete the CEO Roundtable agenda, we are seeking one or two more hospital and health system CEOs, CFOs and CIOs. This agenda will include 25 CEOs, between six and eight CFOs and between six and eight CIOs. If you have a suggestion, please email
5. Survey: Wealthier Patients Happier With Providers.
6. Study: Nursing Experience Affects Pediatric Cardiac Mortality.
7. Accountable Care Linked to Lower Hospital Inpatient Use for Most Service Lines.
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