1. CMS finalizes hospital price transparency rule: 6 things to know Full story
2. BCBS plans debut national provider network: 4 things to know Full story
3. CMS unveils plans to resolve overcharges by Medicare Advantage insurers Full story
4. Your A/R system needs a reality check. Click here to find out why it's not at peak performance.
5. How Apple, Amazon & other tech giants are using healthcare data Full story
6. HealthPartners eliminating 75 jobs amid Medicare revenue decline Full story
7. The healthcare C-suite imperative: Improve quality and achieve cost savings. Click here to find out how Auburn Community Hospital is doing just that.
8. BCBS of Minnesota partners with digital health company Full story
9. Aetna wants to address loneliness among older members Full story
10. Are your patient statements working for you? Click here to improve engagement, collections and patient satisfaction.
11. 25 recent hospital, health system executive moves Full story
12. Harvard Pilgrim's net income falls more than 50% in Q3 Full story