1. FDA grants emergency approval for convalescent plasma as COVID-19 treatment Full story
2. 5 drugmakers tell hospitals they plan to withhold 340B discounts Full story
3. How USPS changes are affecting prescription deliveries: 5 updates Full story
4. Data analytics + hospital pharmacy = cash. Attend this pharma-focused virtual discussion to learn how big data can help hospitals survive the economic downturn.
5. Top 5 pharmaceutical M&A deals this year Full story
6. Novartis leukemia drug earns FDA approval to treat MS Full story
7. Cutting inpatient drug spend can present an array of challenges. Join this virtual discussion for in-depth approaches to reducing these costs across your health system.
8. 2 major FDA rejections leave some pharma investors worried about intensification of regulations Full story
9. West Virginia sues CVS, Walmart over opioid epidemic Full story
10. UnitedHealthcare changes coverage for Gilead's new HIV prevention drug Full story
11. The key to creating a great consumer experience lies in data. Click here to learn how one health system leverages data to provide unparalleled service.
12. Daily COVID-19 stats, state-by-state: