1. Pediatric hospitalizations up after popular asthma medication discontinued Full story
2. 'Best' weight loss drug remains elusive Full story
3. Demand for hospital pharmacists dips Full story
4. There's a big mismatch in hospital cost structures + growth needs. Experts share steps to ensure viability, here.
5. Kamala Harris' healthcare policy positions: 6 notes Full story
6. Baptist eyes $100M revenue boost with pharmacy, payer strategy Full story
7. 'Doing more with less' isn't just a buzz phrase. Get strategies that will actually advance efficiency + growth, here.
8. Endo recalls mislabeled drug lot Full story
9. 'Worse than a cyberattack': 10 notes on the Microsoft-CrowdStrike IT outage Full story
10. Feds to probe API sources, search for supply chain risks Full story
11. The price of being a workaholic Full story
12. Turn cyber adversity into revenue stability. Top strategies to safeguard your hospital's income post-cyberattack: here.
Becker's Learning Opportunity - Access In One Click
13. Learning Opportunity: Patient leakage is costing hospitals millions — learn how to plug the holes here.
14. Learning Opportunity: 'A bloated, unwieldy real estate portfolio': Get tips to address drawbacks of system expansion, here.
15. Learning Opportunity: Staffing uncertainty requires 'crisis proofing' — find best practices to bolster your hospital's resilience here.