1. RSV vaccine is safe for young, middle-aged adults: Pfizer Full story
2. CMS pitches inpatient payment rule for 2025: 8 things to know Full story
3. Drug shortages hit 23-year high: ASHP Full story
4. Employee benefit costs are soaring. Learn how one hospital leveraged its pharmacy for savings here.
5. States facing the greatest risk from private equity Full story
6. Best pharmacy schools: US News Full story
7. New cancer cases are expected to hit a record high this year — learn how to get the most out of imaging data to drive faster advancements in care here.
8. 10 systems seeking pharmacy leaders Full story
9. Employment levels in 38 hospital jobs Full story
10. Weight loss drugs could prevent sleep apnea, shrink CPAP market Full story
11. 472 hospitals honored for patient safety, price transparency Full story
12. New cancer technologies can create new challenges. Learn how Atrium Health + other health systems are navigating these complexities here.
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13. Learning Opportunity: Revenue recovery requires more than just cost-cutting. Get strategies to improve cash flow here.
14. Learning Opportunity: Healthcare is lagging behind on AI. Learn to move forward while mitigating risks here.
15. Learning Opportunity: Health tech gets more complex by the day. Hear how to simplify maintenance management here.