From: Becker's Hospital Review <>
Subject: 14 executive moves | 11 CXOs, CNOs name the biggest win for patients this year | 25 hospital transactions and partnerships | Hospital waives ER bills for victims of Oklahoma State homecoming crash
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Nov. 30, 2015
1. 11 CNOs, CXOs define the 'biggest win' for patients in 2015  Full story  
2. 14 latest hospital, health system executive moves  Full story 

3. Hospital to waive ER bill for victims of Oklahoma State University homecoming car crash   Full story 

4. 9 Must Reads for Healthcare's Frontline Leaders: A Workforce Guide. Download it here
5. 6 healthcare layoffs in November  Full story 

6. 25 hospital transactions and partnerships in November  Full story 
7. Do you know how to measure the performance of your dental office? Read the report to learn. 

8. Superbug playbook: How to build an antibiotic stewardship program that works  

9. 28 recent health IT tips and strategies from CIOs, vendors and industry experts  

10. Don't miss David Feinberg, MD, President & CEO of Geisinger Health System at Becker's 7th Annual Meeting (April 27-30 - Hyatt Regency - Chicago). Click here to register today.

11. For-profit hospital stock report: Week of Nov. 23-27  Full story

12. Hutcheson Medical Center to close this week   Full story 

13. The volume-to-value journey: Guidelines for the new C-suite 
14. 25 disruptive healthcare companies to watch  Full story

15. 100 great hospitals in America  Full story

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