From: Becker's Hospital Review <>
Subject: 28 executive moves | 100 statistics for CEOs and CFOs | 65 things to know about hospitals and health systems | 68% of physician practices haven't seen ROI from EHRs
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July 13, 2015

1. 65 things to know about US hospitals and health systems     

2. 28 latest hospital, health system executive moves

President Obama nominates Andy Slavitt to head CMS: 4 things to know    

100 statistics for CEOs and CFOs  

5. 5 recent hospital outlook and rating actions

6. Optimism and morning huddles: Q&A with Yoakum Community Hospital CEO Karen Barber

7. [Whitepaper] 5 Tips to Make Your Anesthesia Program as Efficient as Possible. Your surgical service is the engine that drives your hospital's bottom line, and any inefficiency can disrupt everything. Read the whitepaper. 

UVM Medical Center waited weeks to update processes after medical error, report finds
9. Theranos strikes its first insurance deal
10. 68% of physician practices say they haven't seen ROI from their EHRs 

11. See Steve Morgan, MD, Senior Vice President for Information Technology and data analytics and CMIO for Carilion Clinic, discuss "EMR - Best Practices for After the Implementation" at Becker's CIO/HIT + Revenue Cycle Summit!

12. 10 things for CFOs to know about CAUTIs


13. 10 largest nonprofit hospital systems  

14. 10 largest for-profit hospital systems   

Becker's Hospital Review 4th Annual CEO + CFO/CIO Roundtables 
Save the date!  
Nov. 18-19, 2015 | Ritz-Carlton Chicago
Featuring 100 Hospital and Health System Executives Speaking   
70+ Sessions   
To register or learn more, click here. 

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(800) 417-2035
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