From: Becker's Hospital Review <>
Subject: 19 executive moves | CMS rule lets providers sell, exchange claims data | 21 hospital transactions, 4 layoffs | Workarounds, 'culture of silence' around EHR errors prevalent in hospitals, study finds
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July 5, 2016
1. 19 latest hospital, health system executive moves  Full story

2. CMS permits sale of Medicare claims data to providers, employers  Full story

3. Study finds workarounds, 'culture of silence' around EHR errors prevalent in hospitals  Full story 

4. What are the market trends for increased risk of medical debt, uncompensated care, and rising collections costs? Learn during the July 26 webinar. 

5. 5 questions with outgoing AtlantiCare CEO David Tilton  
6. 21 hospital transactions and partnerships in June  Full story

7. What steps can you take to implement a successful cost reduction strategy that will enable you to take out costs out on an on-going basis? Learn during the July 27 webinar.

8. 4 healthcare layoffs in June  Full story

9. Catholic Health Care Services agrees to $650,000 HIPAA violation settlement   Full story

10. Fla. hospital sued after maggots found in patient's mouth  Full story

11. UChicago Medical Center to pay $53M in birth injury lawsuit  Full story

12. Number of Zika cases in US nears 1,000; 7 babies born with Zika-related birth defects  Full story

13. 8 recent hospital outlook and credit rating actions   Full story 

14. Grady Memorial CEO named chair of America's Essential Hospitals  Full story

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