1. Kansas hospital loses Medicare billing privileges, may be forced to close Full story
2. University Hospitals launches bundled payment program with Walmart Full story
3. Leadership exodus continues — 5th Nashville General board member quits within 1 month
4. Hundreds of hospitals receive a CMS Statement of Deficiencies with Notice of Immediate Jeopardy or Notice of Termination each year. Do you know what to do if your hospital gets one? Read More.
5. Excited to welcome 280+ health IT and revenue cycle leader speakers to Becker's 4th Annual Health IT + Revenue Cycle conference September 19-22 in Chicago. Register for our largest event yet here. | For exhibiting and sponsor opportunities, e-mail Jessica Cole at jcole@beckershealthcare.com.
6. Protesters arrested outside HHS Secretary Alex Azar's home Full story
7. Learn how to retool your hiring process to maximize provider satisfaction during this upcoming webinar.
8. Ohio hospitals are facing a ban on nurse overtime — here's how it could affect patients Full story