From: Becker's Hospital Review <>
Subject: Michael Dowling: 4 things I learned while launching a health plan | 17 executive moves | Suspect arrested for armed robbery of NY hospital for drugs | 9 latest hospital transactions, partnerships
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May 9, 2016
1. 17 latest hospital, health system executive moves   

2. Michael Dowling: 4 lessons I learned overseeing the launch of a health plan   Full story 
3. 15 recent hospital outlook and credit rating actions  
4. Discover additional benefits gained from Clinical Archiving in a LIVE webinar on 5/12. Register here.

5. Suspect charged for armed robbery of NY hospital for drugs  Full story
6. 9 recent hospital transactions and partnerships  Full story
7. From the front lines: Navigating the out-of-network landscape. Register for the webinar.

8. 3 Columbus Regional Health executives resign to take promotions elsewhere  Full story

9. S&P: What are the implications of Medicare's CJR model?  Full story

10. Dr. Vivian Lee: 4 lessons on millennials from Yelp, Delta Air Lines, Zappos and FitBit   Full story

11. Surgeons in Arkansas have best-paid position in US  Full story 
12. Hospitals add nearly 23k jobs in April  Full story
13. FDA backs off of scope-cleaning machine recall
14. Here's how presidential candidates would address soaring out-of-pocket costs  Full story

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