HIT & CIO E-Newsletter
Dec. 12, 2019


1. BJC HealthCare cuts 200 jobs as part of IT support outsourcing Full story

2. Illinois hospital warns 1,400 patients of data breach Full story

3. Top 10 health-related questions consumers asked Google in 2019 Full story

4. How to prime your hospital's operational engine for value-based success. Click here to attend the live, online discussion.

5. Thrilled to welcome keynotes Magic Johnson, Laura Bush and George W. Bush, as well as a moderated keynote discussion between Karl Rove and Donna Brazile, to Becker's 11th Annual Meeting, April 6-9, 2020. Register here. For exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities, email Jessica Cole at jcole@beckershealthcare.com.

6. 23andMe hit with $100M lawsuit from former business partner Full story

7. Colorado medical center alerts patients of phishing attack Full story

8. VA, Walmart launch telehealth pilot program to deliver medical services in rural areas Full story

9. Keep cybercriminals out of patient data without burdening physicians — Learn more 

10. Mount Sinai spinout partners with AI voice assistant Suki to tackle physician burnout Full story

11. OhioHealth launches automated patient navigation service Full story

12. Epic adds PatientTrak's text messaging system to App Orchard Full story

13. How Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center launched the nation's first direct-to-consumer pediatric telehealth platform. Click here to attend the live discussion.

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(312) 253-9170
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