From: Becker's Health IT & CIO Report <>
Subject: How Steve Jobs would change healthcare | Boston Children's, IBM Watson tackle pediatric diseases | 10 most interesting transactions in 2015 | 200+ executives to speak at Becker's Hospital Review 7th Annual Meeting
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Nov. 11, 2015
1. How Steve Jobs would change today's healthcare system Full story 

2. Who owns patient records? In N.H. only, the patients do Full story

3. John H. Noseworthy, MD, President and CEO of Mayo Clinic to keynote at Becker's 7th Annual Meeting. Click here to register today! April 27 - 30, 2016; Hyatt Regency Chicago
Webinar: What are the key cost drivers in episodes of care? Click here to learn more. 

5. Boston Children's leverages IBM Watson to take on pediatric diseases Full story 
6. Perspective: Theranos, Valeant fallout threatens healthcare biotech buzz Full story 

7. Whitepaper: Key Strategies & Technologies for Efficient, Cost-Effective ASCs. Click here to read this whitepaper. 

8. Startup Insider: Candescent Health
Full story 
9. Majority of healthcare institutions aren't using HIPAA-compliant mobile messaging services: 6 findings Full story 
10. Geisigner to begin offering refunds to unsatisfied patients Full story 
11. 10 of the most interesting healthcare transactions of 2015
Full story

12. 50 leaders in health IT  
Full story  
Becker's Hospital Review CEO Roundtable + CFO/CIO Roundtable
Nov. 18-19, 2015 | Ritz Carlton Chicago
Featuring 44 leading hospital & health system CEOs and 33 CFOs & CIOs
74 sessions | 100 hospital executive speakers
To register or learn more, click here 

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(312) 254-1531
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