From: Becker's Health IT & CIO Report <>
Subject: Life of a CIO: Broward Health's Dr. Doris Peek | Geisinger, NIH launch genomic patient portal | NYC physician diagnosed with Ebola | 100 great spine, neuro programs
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Oct. 27, 2014
1. The life of a healthcare CIO: Broward Health's Dr. Doris Peek Full story 
2. Geisinger, NIH launch online genomic patient portal Full story
3. Are former employees threatening your IT security? Full story

4. CIOs: What steps are you taking to address cybersecurity? Share your thoughts with to be featured in a future issue.
5. CHIME launches two organizations for IT professionals Full story 
6. Microsoft teases wearables market with health-tracking smartwatch Full story 


7. The 10 most admired CEOs in healthcare Full story 


8. Physician tests positive for Ebola in NYC: 5 things to know Full story 


9. 100 hospitals with great neurosurgery and spine programs | 2014 Full story


10. Join other CIOs in exploring issues surrounding EHRs, mobile health, data analytics and more at Becker's Hospital Review Health IT and CIO Roundtable (Nov. 4, 2014; Chicago). Register here


11. [Webinar] Patient-Centered Analytics Register here



Becker's Hospital Review CEO Strategy Roundtable
Setting Strategy for 2015 and Beyond: Hear From Top Systems, Networking & More!
Nov. 5, 2014 | The Ritz Carlton Chicago
Featuring 40 Hospital and Health System CEOs
4 Tracks | 31 Session 
To register or learn more, click here 

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