From: Becker's Health IT & CIO Report <>
Subject: Hack on jeopardizes 75K records | IBM Watson Health chief to depart | Hospital execs see jump in compensation | Philips launches AI incubator with 19 startups
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October 22, 2018
1. Hack on Affordable Care Act sign-up portal jeopardizes 75K records 

2. IBM Watson Health chief out after 3 years

3. Amazon inches closer to HQ2 decision 

4. How are leading hospital and health system CFOs responding to external pressures to cut costs? To learn more, click here.

5. Philips launches AI incubator with 19 startups 

6. Hospital execs see jump in compensation 

7. Becker's Virtual Health IT Summit - Click here to register for the 3-day online event.  

8. The Sequoia Project seeks hospital leaders for interoperability forum 

9. Healthcare IT leaders need to take a multi-faceted approach cybersecurity. Download this free white paper to learn how to protect patient health data. 
10. SCL Health CMIO Dr. Louis Capponi's team vision for 2019 + healthcare's biggest need for innovation 




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