From: Becker's Hospital CIO Report <>
Subject: Interoperability: The 'unicorn' of data? | Medicare's proposed telehealth coverage met with approval | 7 stats on cloud security | 9 ways to make a bad decision
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Sept. 5, 2014
1. Stakeholders applaud proposed expansion of Medicare coverage for telemedicine services, call for more coverage Full story 
2. How social media can add value to big data Full story
3. Is interoperability the 'unicorn' of health data? Full story

4. CIOs: Can you ever have too much data? Is there ever a point of diminishing marginal returns? Share your thoughts with to be featured in a future issue.
5. Healthcare cloud service security: 7 key statistics Full story 
6. Providers' top 3 barriers to hiring top IT staffers Full story 


7. 9 ways to make a bad decision Full story 


8. Has Maryland found a solution to the U.S. healthcare cost crisis? Full story 


9. Webinar: How Integrated Clinical Services and Technologies are Making Healthcare Work Better Register here 


10. CEO Strategy Roundtable Event (Nov. 5, Chicago). Join Becker's at the Ritz Carlton Chicago as we bring together 40 hospital and health system CEOs to discuss strategy for the year ahead. Register here


11. Webinar: New Physician Expectations - Ensuring Career Satisfaction and Organizational Success, A Panel Discussion Register here


12. Featured whitepaper: Top 10 Questions to Ask Before Selecting a Secure Text Messaging Solution: With the rise of mobile devices in the workplace, healthcare organizations must find a secure HIPAA-compliant solution to enable their staff to quickly communicate and accelerate patient concerns. Yet, when faced with various options it's difficult to know what questions to ask to ensure you select the right solution. Click here to access this paper. 


Becker's Hospital Review CEO Strategy Roundtable
Setting Strategy for 2015 and Beyond: Hear From Top Systems, Networking & More!
Nov. 5, 2014 | The Ritz Carlton Chicago
Featuring 40 Hospital and Health System CEOs
4 Tracks | 31 Session 
To register or learn more, click here 

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