June 29, 2020
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1. UCSF pays $1M+ ransom to unlock medical school's computer systems Full story

2. Texas Medical Center hit 100% ICU bed capacity, then didn't report data for 3 days Full story

3. Johns Hopkins CEO: Predictive analytics, AI are the future of medicine Full story

4. Telemedicine: connecting care teams, providers, patients and creating networks to facilitate successful cooperation Click here

5. UF Health email hack exposes 76,330 patients' info Full story

6. Cerner, IBM & more: 5 tech companies recently issuing layoffs Full story

7. Iowa MSO employee accidentally sends 11,581 patients' info to healthcare provider Full story

8. 9 hospitals bringing back furloughed employees Full story

9. Healthcare is a team sport. Click here to join your peers virtually to hear insights on cultivating healthcare's most indelible resource — its people.

10. AI, EHR combo may be the new way patients select caregivers Full story

11. Physician viewpoint: We must 'anchor ourselves' in personal interactions amid telemedicine Full story

12. A timeline of Apple, Google, Salesforce & other tech contact tracing initiatives Full story

13. Tech professionals are increasingly seeking healthcare and pharma jobs, study finds Full story

14. What we've learned from COVID-19 will help plan for future health crises: Learn how a digital health strategy plays a part.

Lessons from COVID-19: How a digital health strategy can help manage risk and response for your community

Marketing to patients in the post-COVID landscape

Data + empathy = The healthcare experience patients need in 2020. Click here to attend the live discussion. 

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Becker's Hospital Review, A Becker's Healthcare Publication