From: Becker's Health IT & CIO Report <>
Subject: [Special revenue cycle edition] 5 thoughts on revenue cycle management | The trend majorly affecting provider revenue cycle | Revenue cycle management outsourcing is a trend set to expand | Mayo chooses Epic EHR, revenue cycle management
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March 26, 2015
1. 5 thoughts on revenue cycle management  Full story 

2. Premier CEO Susan DeVore: Hospitals need 'quality cycle management' to succeed in value model Full story
3. Dollars and sense: 5 ways HOPD and ASC business operations differ Full story

4. ICD-10 "training?" Think again. Why a traditional training approach won't prepare your practice for ICD-10 Full story
5. Billing and insurance administrative activities costs reach $471B yearly Full story 
6. The trend majorly affecting provider revenue cycle Full story 


7. Revenue cycle management outsourcing is a trend set to expand Full story 


8. Mayo chooses Epic EHR, revenue cycle management system Full story 


9. Latest development in Highmark, UPMC battle involves delayed payments  Full story


10. Join us for the first annual Becker's CIO/HIT + Revenue Cycle Summit: This July, Becker's Healthcare is excited to host the CIO/HIT + Revenue Cycle Summit at the Ritz Carlton in Chicago. The event features some of the most innovative leaders in health IT and some of the best strategists and performers in revenue cycle management. Learn more and register here



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