1. 5 Epic contracts - and their costs - so far in 2016 Full story
3. HIMSS16 highs: 24 attendees on their most exciting moments Full story
4. Webinar: How data can be drawn from every area of revenue cycle to make smarter financial decision. Click here to learn more and register!
5. 4 recommendations for copy-and-paste in EHRs Full story
6. 21st Century Oncology reports 2015 breach Full story
7. Webinar: Effective cleaning and disinfection: Are you addressing the risk? Click here to learn more and register!
8. Allscripts to integrate AssistRx automatic patient enrollment app into EHRs Full story
9. Dr. John Warner Hospital to implement MEDITECH practice management solution: 4 things to know Full story
10. CMS proposes new Medicare drug payment models: 8 things to know Full story
11.175 speakers to present at Becker's CIO/HIT + Revenue Cycle Conference (July 27 to 28, Fairmont, Chicago)! Click here to register today!
Becker's Hospital Review 7th Annual Meeting
April 27-30, 2016 | Hyatt Regency, Chicago
208 great health system executives speaking