1. Georgia hospital to abruptly close operating room Full story
2. Temple will sell Fox Chase Cancer Center Full story
3. Hospital rebrands: 21 name changes in 2019 Full story
4. RCM execs face several pain points. But they can use their unique vantage to drive savvy change across their organization. Find out how.
5. Thrilled to welcome keynotes Magic Johnson, Laura Bush and George W. Bush, as well as a moderated keynote discussion between Karl Rove and Donna Brazile, to Becker's 11th Annual Meeting, April 6-9, 2020. Register here. For exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities, email Jessica Cole at jcole@beckershealthcare.com.
6. ACA mandate ruled unconstitutional Full story
7. Former nurse accused of secretly recording 206 patients at UPMC hospital Full story
8. Your A/R system needs a reality check. Click here to find out why it's not at peak performance.
9. Zero out-of-network billing by 4 specialists could save $40B, study finds Full story
10. Kentucky hospital supply manager charged with stealing supplies, selling them online Full story
11. New Webinar: Achieving success in D2C telehealth for health systems
12. Legal medical billing would be considered fraud in any other sector, Dr. Elisabeth Rosenthal says Full story
13. Ochsner Health System, LHC Group expand partnership Full story