1. CMS pitches 2025 physician fee schedule: 5 behavioral health updates Full story
2. Joint Commission launches new safety, wellness resource for hospitals Full story
3. CMS proposes telehealth option for opioid use disorder treatment Full story
4. How OHSU is saving OR leaders 20 hours a week: here.
5. Why this LA behavioral hospital plans to nearly double its capacity Full story
6. Behind the opioid epidemic's 'fourth wave' Full story
7. There's a big mismatch in hospital cost structures + growth needs. Experts share steps to ensure viability, here.
8. The disparities in pediatric ED boarding Full story
9. Lights, camera, healthcare: Health systems embrace media spotlight Full story
10. Steward shelled out $1.6M to spy firm before bankruptcy Full story
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11. Learning Opportunity: The shift to value-based care is at a tipping point — Here's how health system execs are responding.
12. Learning Opportunity: Potential employees are looking for these 3 benefits. Learn what they are here.
13. Learning Opportunity: RN salaries jumped 2.6% in 2 years. Learn more about nurse pay trends here.